This field is for a screenshot of your appraisal toolkit. We do not need to see the full appraisal document, or notes from the meeting.
To approve this document, we need to see:
- Your name
- The appraiser's name
- The date of your last (dated within the last 12 months) or next annual appraisal
Please see example:
The most common appraisal toolkits include Clarity, Fourteen Fish and BMA.
If you are newly qualified and have not had an appraisal yet, we will accept your Annual Review of Competency Progression (ARCP) document as long as the 'Date of assessment' is dated within the last 12 months. We will not accept Educational Supervisors Review (ESR).
Please see example:
Clinical Governance
If you'd like to chat with a member of our Clinical Governance team about your documents, please email
Customer Support
If you ever experience any technical issues or have questions, please don't hesitate to contact the Customer Support team here at Lantum
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