A Smartcard is used for logging into certain IT systems. A doctor will only ever need one Smartcard. Only certain practices will require them, so in most instances it isn't a necessity.
The main idea behind Smartcards is that they save doctors time, by giving quick and secure access to patients' health records, medication prescription information, laboratory results, X-rays, CT scans and MRI images from one of several secure workstations. This time saving means that more time can be spent with patients.
How to apply for a Smartcard?
Doctors can apply for a Smartcard through the practice they work at the most. The practice manager will then raise a request (provided they are happy with the doctor) on their behalf, to the local health board/CCG.
After that the doctor will have their picture taken and they will need to provide their proof of address, photo ID and a utility bill.
What to do if you lose or damage your Smartcard?
There is a Fallback Smartcard solution that ensures the doctor has continued access to compliant applications in the event the doctor has lost or forgotten their Smartcard, or their Smartcard has been stolen or damaged. It is recommended that doctors talk to their practice managers/rota managers when this happens.
What to do with your Smartcard?
There is a the 12-digit number found beneath the photo on a Smartcard, this is the Smartcard Unique User Identity Number (UUID) which the practice will ask for. This is for practice managers to ensure that their practice can be registered to a doctors Smartcard and that the doctor can have the correct Role Based Access Codes (RBAC) to fulfil their role, prior to them starting a session.
Where to upload your Smartcard number on Lantum?
Your Smartcard UUID number can be uploaded onto your profile. You can do this by going to 'My Account' then on the 'Your Profile' section there is a link to 'edit your profile' which brings you to a page with the section under 'Smartcard' where you can enter your Smartcard UUID number.
Customer support
If you ever experience any technical issues or have questions, please don't hesitate to contact the Customer Support team here at Lantum
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