Once you have published your shifts, you will start to receive applications from staff who want to work with you.
By managing your applications, you can review and book in the staff you want for each shift.
If you have regular group of staff you like to work with you’re able to give them the ability to book into shifts at your practice without applying first. They will be automatically confirmed and booked into the shift.
This is called Instant Book and can be managed from the My Staff page. You can read more about to manage Instant Book in our My Staff guide.
Here’s how to manage applications for a shift
Start by making sure you are in the Rota view by clicking Rota on the top navigation bar.
Your shifts will be colour-coded according to their status. That could be:
- White with a dotted outline for unpublished shifts
- Yellow for vacant shifts with no applications
- Yellow with a red square containing an exclamation mark for vacant shifts with applications
- Green for shifts that are booked
- A faded green or yellow for shifts that are in the past
Click on a yellow shift with applications. This will open a pop-up summary of the shift, including its location, the hourly rate for it, and how many people have applied for it.
You can also Edit or Withdraw the shift here; please note that if you edit a shift, any previous applications will be deleted.
To review the applications, click Review.
This will take you to the Review tool, where you can see more information about the people who have applied to the shift.
For each applicant, you will see their name, profile picture, Lantum rating, and what staffing group they are in, such as Rota Staff or Marketplace.
If the applicant is negotiating the time or the rate for the shift, that will show here.
To see more about each applicant, click on the More button to expand the summary.
Click through the categories in the grey bar to explore them. These categories are:
- Overview, which shows their GMC number, plus any introduction the applicant has written about themself.
- Work Experience, which shows a list of practices the applicant has previously worked at.
- Documents, which shows a list of the applicant’s certificates and other important documents. Each of these can be downloaded by clicking on them.
- Additional Information, which includes extra skills like IT systems they are familiar with or languages spoken.
Once you have made a decision about the applicant, you can either click Decline to reject their application, or you can accept their application and assign them to the shift by clicking Book.
Booking a GP into a shift will automatically send an email to the other applicants to let them know the shift is no longer available for them to work.
Viewing all shifts with applications
If you would rather see all of the shifts that have applications in one place, go to the Rota view, then click List in the top left corner.
Next, click Applications. This will show you a complete list of shifts that have applications.
To only see shifts for a particular location, staff type or person, you can use the filters in the top right hand corner.
You can also sort shifts by the categories in the white bar by clicking on the heading of the column.
You can Edit or Withdraw the shift by clicking on three dots on the right and choosing the relevant option; please note that if you edit a shift, any previous applications will be cancelled.
To review the applications for a shift, click on the orange Applications button. You will then be taken to the Review tool as before.
You can accept an application and assign that person to the shift by clicking Book as previously described.
Customer Support
If you ever experience any technical issues or have questions, please don't hesitate to contact the Customer Support team here at Lantum
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