Passport requirements
The document that you upload for your passport is used by practices as your photo ID. It must be:
- A clear and legible colour photo/scan, showing all 4 corners of the ID page
- It should show your passport photo, name and place of birth
- Fax or black and white images will not be approved
- Passports must be in date. If your passport is expired, please email the Clinical Governance team:
- If your sign up name is different to the one in your passport (e.g. your maiden name), please email across a copy of your marriage/civil partnership certificate or proof of name change by deed poll to the Clinical Governance team:
Please see examples below:
You do not need to show the front cover of your passport.
When all three of your core documents (CV, passport and DBS) have been approved, the Clinical Governance Team will check any relevant governing body you are registered on for account approval.
Clinical Governance
If you'd like to chat with a member of our Clinical Governance team about your documents, please email
Customer Support
If you ever experience any technical issues or have questions, please don't hesitate to contact the Customer Support team here at Lantum
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