To re-register with the Self-service Portal, perform the following:
Enter your organisation Self service portal (SSP) address into your browser’s address bar.
This will normally be in the following format: by your organisation’s 4 letter code.
If you are unsure of the SSP URL please contact your system administration team.
- Click on the Home Drop Down menu on the top left hand-side of the screen.
- From the dropdown, select Register this will present the following screen
- Type the email that is registered with your organisation.
- Click Register.
- An activation email will then be sent to your email address.
- A message will pop up to confirm, Email sent
- If no activation email is received please check you Spam folder or contact your system administration team to check you have had an account created for you.
The activation email will appear as below
- Click on Set Password link
This will present the following screen
- Your email should be visible – you cannot make changes to this field
- Enter a new password with at least 7 characters, 1 capital letter, 1 symbol and 1 number
- Repeat this password
- Click Set password to save
You will now be able to log-into the Self-Service Portal using your email and password you have just created.
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