Tired of signing and sending locum A NHS pension forms? Good news! You can setup AutoSign to automate the process and give yourself one less thing to worry about.
How it works
1. Session completed |
2. GP paid Form A AutoSigned |
3. Signed form A ready GP downloads completed forms |
When a pensionable session is completed, we create a draft Form A for you to review and make sure everything adds up. When the GP is paid, AutoSign signs part 2 of the Locum A form on your behalf for the GP to download and submit.
Setup AutoSign now
You can create your own digital signature for AutoSign by into 'my account' and select 'my details'.
Add your signature by dragging your mouse in the text box and once done click 'next' to set your electronic signature.
Customer support
If you ever experience any technical issues or have questions, please don't hesitate to contact the Customer Support team here at Lantum
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